Stadium Aue - Erzgebirgsstadion Aue 2015
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads
Labitzke Areal Zürich 2015
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads
Andreas Tower Zürich 2013-2014
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads & wind comfort
Railroad Station Duisburg 2013
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads
Look-out Tower Hellenthal Naturpark Eifel 2013
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads
Container Crane Abu Dhabi 2013
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads
Dressage stadium Aachener Soers 2013
Expert's report on wind
Photovoltaic systems 2010-2014
Various wind tunnel tests on wind loads and expert's report on wind
Viktoriahaus Botanischer Garten Berlin 2012
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads
New building LVM 5 Münster 2010
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads & wind comfort
Steel helmet steeple Ulm 2009
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads
Baltic Arena Danzig 2008
Wind tunnel tests on wind loads & wind comfort
Aspire Tower Doha 2007
Loading effects by on-site measurements
BMW-Welt München 2005-2006
Wind Expertise
Numerical Flow simulations:
Lamilux CI-System PR60 2014
Building physics studies and evaluation of the generated condensate
Alpha Rotex Frankfurt 2012
Evaluation of the temperatures in the façade cavity
Door systems 2011-2013
Evaluation of the energy loss